Tuesday, April 23, 2013

In which I do things.

No usual crafty weirdness from me today, unless you count one of the pictures at the bottom of the post.

It dawned on me, after reading my last post a few times, that I don't really "do" anything, or at least, not what people would typically consider "doing something".  Which, yeah, is fine in a way.  It just makes for really boring conversation.

When people ask me if I did anything "interesting" over the weekend, I feel like what they want to hear is that I went sky-diving over the tallest peak of Mt. Kilimanjaro with a flock of peregrine falcons strapped to my arms instead of a parachute.  Or.  Whatever.  Maybe something a little more tame like, went to a concert. But 90% of the time, it's just:

Friend:  What did you do this weekend?
Me:  Oh.  Just hung out at home.

Which is all well and good.  You realistically can't do something every weekend.  But here's the thing - what I consider "interesting" does not register for most people as the typical conversation-worthy pastime.  I mentioned the other week that sewing gives me a high.  Sure, that sounds kind of funny on paper, but imagine using that in actual conversation.  "I HAD THE BEST EFFING TIME WEAVING A NEEDLE IN AND OUT OF FABRIC."  It doesn't really fly.  But, I guess everything is relative.

Anyway, the point of all that was for me to tell you that I DID actually go out and do something for once.  Two weeks in a row, in fact!  And both (partially) happened in New York.  One was just for fun, the other, for work. The former, I'll save for another post.  For now, let's proceed with the latter.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Boredom begets curious behavior (Part 2)

I should preface that I have zero background in neuroscience, nor am I a process control engineer.  I am a chemical engineer, and a really bad one at that.  This post is really just to justify to myself why I can sit and sew until my butt goes numb, but when it comes to acting like a normal human being, I fail on every level.

And let me leave no question in your mind - when I say that I fail at being normal, I really mean it.  While people spend their time doing fun, enriching activities like visiting other cities or clubbing or whatever, I would rather spend several hours in solitude trying to figure out how to do this to my hair:

So we previously touched upon the fact that I am actually an android, which if you had any doubt, is ABSOLUTELY 100% FACTUAL.  I have now reprogrammed my brain at least thrice over the past year to do such useful things as calculate the exact time required for cooking a piece of meat on my stove so that it's passably edible but won't cause the ambient air temperature in my apartment to exceed smoke alarm sensitivity thresholds.  And yet, when it comes to recalling really simple things like the verb form of "adhesion" in conversation, I come up with such gems as "adhese."