Friday, September 20, 2013

Plastic Princess Pt. 2

Today is going to be a very, very short entry.  The bulk of September has really whooshed passed, and soon, October will be here.  October means lots of planning for NaNoWriMo, which, for some reason, I have it in my head that I'll enter again, despite sucking wind every year.  On top of that, GCS is in November, and I had originally planned to have unique outfit for each day, though that seems less likely as the days pass.

Anyway, I really just wanted to give you a teaser for progress with the plastic dress.  Last time, I left off with the skirt in all it's poofy glory.  This time, a quick overview of what I'm doing with the top.

I wanted to try a corset-like top with pinstripes.  Since plastic doesn't breathe at all, I thought I would try to at least use a lighter material - more trash bags:

The striping was made with more red electric tape - flexible, sturdy, and very, very sticky.  After the striping was done, then came the tricky part:  forming the material to the right shape.  In sewing, there's a technique called darting that allows one to sew pieces in a way to make it fit to the body.  It's a little hard to do that with plastic, but I gave it a shot:

Unfortunately, about halfway through the second piece, I realized that I looked more like a pirate wench than my original direction.  Currently, this is what it looks like with the skirt:

Right now, my biggest concern is that the dress form that I own is at least two sizes to big for me, a fact I sadly discovered the first time I transferred the skirt to my own body.  None of this dress will stretch, and it certainly won't shrink, so I don't know how well I'll be able to adjust to shirt to my... less-than-ample front.  

This piece has a LOT of work ahead of it, and not a lot of time.  Time to kick it into hyper drive.

Until the next.

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