Monday, January 21, 2013

Boredom Begets Curious Behavior

Behind on reports, presentations to prepare for, mundane tasks that I could be getting ahead on... Every Friday, as I leave the office, it always seems like such a great idea to bring my work computer home.  And yet, without fail, this is me, every weekend:

30 minutes and a convenient distraction later:

Why, yes.  I have stacked laptops before.  ...Not while they were running, mind you ...


There's just something about my couch that turns my weekend existence into the Black Hole of Sloth.  Inevitably, though, I become guilty about not doing anything productive, and I start feeling that creeping nihilism/boredom that somehow thrusts me into the throes of creative desire.

So did I write my reports and practice my presentation?

Of course not.

This Sunday, I played in the kitchen from 8-12.

Black forest cake with chocolate cherry ganache

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Hearts, Kisses, and Holiday Well Wishes

Holy Sweet Fricker-Fracker.  An unacceptable amount of time has passed since I last posted.  In my defense, I was really busy:


I mean.  Super effing busy.