Wednesday, May 11, 2016

The One-Winged Girl

Three years ago, as part of BEDIS, I wrote an entry about tattoos, a little bit of the history on my interest in them, and a conclusion with the fact that I was still very on the fence about taking the plunge.  I made some good points as to why it might ultimately be a risky decision, but as we all know, I'm statistically full of shit, and for the purpose of dramatic effect, I go back on the things I say, all the time.

What I mean to say is, dear friends, it's happened.  I have gone under the needle, and I will never be the same.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Dedicated to the person in Acme who almost made me cry.

Dang.  It has been too quiet here.

Since my last entry is literally the 3rd most depressing thing that I have ever put to writing, I told myself that I wasn't going to come back to Blogger until I could post something that was a complete 180° in tone.  

Unfortunately, it's been remarkably difficult to write anything of a positive nature for the past few months.  

You see, dear readers, my life has been in a state of flux since the middle of December.  To make a very long story moderately short, my previous position became excessed, and I spent most of the beginning of 2016 trying to decide what I wanted to do with my life.  The fact that I am here does not signify that I've really figured it out, but I am in a more stable place, and like it or not, creating things helps me remain (relatively) more stable.