Sunday, January 11, 2015

The Year of Vakpati

Happy New Year, dear readers.

To attempt to review all that happened in 2014 in one blog entry would not do justice to the giant clusterf--k of events that snowballed at me.  I think it's safe to say that no year is ever really "boring", but even just thinking briefly on the past few months throws me into a real tizzy.  Suffice it to say, it was a sometimes wonderful, occasionally terrible, and always interesting year, and I bid farewell to it fondly and gratefully.

But, it's time to move forward and look on towards 2015.

At the outset of the new year, many of us like to set resolutions and goals to better ourselves.  As you'll have noticed, I do similarly.  Unfortunately, more often than not, I stray from the path by March or April.  This year is different, though.  This year, I'm on a mission from Vakpati.
