Thursday, December 11, 2014

You weren't even here yesterday and I already love you

October and November came and went, and as per usual, I came no closer to my goal of writing a 50,000-word story in the span of 30 days.  In fact, I didn't even break last year's record of 20k.  Instead, the time was largely spent either out of state or deciding what I'm doing with my life.  Sometimes both at the same time.  But I'll get to that another day.

Let's back-up a second.  Why have I been out of state?  Well, first, I was on a rather nice long weekend getaway with DG, up in Bostonia.  No pictures, unfortunately, but to be honest, there weren't a lot of photo-ops.  Just a lot of nice strolls and cursing while trying to navigate the Downtown by car.

Second, as some of you might have guessed, something very big (or very small, if you're going to measure it by total volume and mass) has appeared in my life: