Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Auld Lang Syne - 2013 in Review

I am in serious blogging debt.

As per usual, November flew out from under my feet.  While I'd like to be the Debbie-Downer and say that I was no closer to winning NaNo than I have been in previous years, that's actually quite a lie.  Despite major setbacks, I managed to wrangle 20,000 words together in the end.  30K shy of my goal, yes, but far, far better than I've done since my first mangled attempt at NaNoWriMo wordsmithing.

December has not been idle, either.  Despite the serious lack of writing, I have been nothing if not productive.  November and December saw a whirlwind of events, including the first time I totaled my car, the introduction of new acquaintances, and of course, a slew of new recipes:

Xmas 2013