Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Around Europe in 21 Days Pt. 4 -- Verily, Versailles

Your daily fact -- Versailles is not part of Paris.  Believe it or not, it is its own town in Île-de-France, and more like a suburb of Paris.  Granted, it is only about 10 miles outside the city center and has a metro stop a mere jaunt from the Château de Versailles - BUT remember when I told you that there were strikes in France strongly affecting the train schedule?  Trains to and from Versailles were still running, but on a somewhat unregulated basis.  SNCF was telling commuters to check the schedules the night before, when daily printouts were being released.  Naturally, the day before I planned to visit Versailles, I was refreshing the website every so often to make sure I would actually be able to make it there and back.

But, what luck, my particular train line was running smoothly.  To the Palace of the Sun King!

No, not this one (where my HZD fans at?)

Yes, this big ole foppy fop on his majestic effing unicorn.