Thursday, March 13, 2014

A Mime is a Terrible Thing to Waste


Yes, I am technically cheating right now, but it is a bit late, and I have had a much longer day than I anticipated.  I promise to put a bit more effort into it this weekend.  But, I didn't want to leave the day without a post.  On the plus side, it'll be a short one, so, lucky all of you.

This whole Victoria-does-cosmetic-expression-in-her-free-time thing?  Did not start with Lent 2014. No, I have been this terribly vain since (probably) high school.

Circa 2006, back when I was called "Vicky."  OoOoohh

Dear readers, today I give you the gift of complete proof that I have always been totally weird.  Today's photo set is the result of a lazy afternoon from when I first moved to New Jersey.  I honestly don't know what I was going for.  It kind of looks like the dirty love child of Heath Ledger's Joker, Harley Quinn, and Sarah Chang.



My god, my bow hold is atrocious...

Until the (less lazy) next.

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