Monday, March 10, 2014

In the Valley of the Blind

Today's post is brought to you by the magic of moving pictures!  Oooooooooooh.

SJH challenged me a few days ago to a "blindfold" makeup.  I didn't think that this was necessarily a bad idea, but the problem was, I didn't think I could make it very interesting.

Turns out, even with a video, I was pretty much correct :p

Anywho, the basic premise goes thusly:  I keep my eyes closed and avoid all mirrors while I navigate a haphazard pile of cosmetics and attempt to make myself presentable.

Mirror selfies.  This is still a thing, right?

It would be easy enough to just show a before and after, but for all you would know, I could have just pretended to be super awesome or super incapable (depending on how comedic I felt like being), so I tried to make this more believable for you by recording it.

The following is the result.  I'll save you some time by telling you now - don't waste the 8 minutes watching it.  It is not very interesting, and it more exists as proof than anything else, but it is late, and I am already past my deadline with no other options for today.  Sorry :(

In short:

Until the next.

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