Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Makeup March, or Who is that girl I see?

*Peeks out from beneath desk*

Hi, again.  So, I have an excuse for why February saw none of my pithy musings, but I'm holding back on sharing it until I have something substantial to write.  Needless to say, it is a very exciting point in life, so hold onto your hats a little longer.  Happy Belated Valentine's Day, by the way.

Anyway, so we have sprung into March, the rebirth of the world, and the harbinger of Spring!

Alright.  Not so much.  But, the days are slowly getting warmer, Mardi Gras has passed, and Ash Wednesday is upon us!

"But Victoria... you're not Catholic."

Yeah?  Well, f*** you and your conventions.  I'll practice self-denial when I want!

Kidding aside, it is true, I'm not Catholic, but I have observed Lent for many years, not always as a religious event, but as a good time to focus on self-improvement in some capacity.  Most years, I'd give up something like chocolate, fast food, physical violence (it's a long story), or ketchup (it's a longer story).  But I recently learned from DH that another form of observance is to actually to take up a practice of betterment.  The point is discipline.

To that end, I'll be taking on not one, but two challenges for myself.  First - I have to lose a few inches before June, so to kick that off, my goal is to perform vigorous exercise for at least 40 minutes each day, with Sunday being my day of rest.

Second - my personal creativity has suffered a little bit as of late.  I'll get excited to do a project, and then half way to actually finishing it, I'll suddenly lose interest to despair.  In order to push myself back on the right track, and to showcase my complete vanity, I've decided to take on a little self-challenge entitled Makeup March (despite Lent stretching into April.  I couldn't think of a better alliteration.  You try.)  

Every day (except Sunday, again), I'll post a costume or makeup theme that I've been working on.  To sweeten the pot, all of you are welcome to make suggestions.  No restrictions except anything including nudity.  Someone already suggested a "blindfold" challenge.  OoooOOOooo.

Anyway, to kick things off, tonight's work is inspired by Mulan during "Reflection", a fitting opening to a quest of self-discovery:

Why is my reflection someone I don't know?

Somehow, I cannot hide who I am, though I've tried.

When will my reflection show who I am inside?

Until the next.

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